No Bad Dogs
No Bad Dogs
Force Free Training for any experience level
Force Free Training for any experience level
No Bad Dogs
No Bad Dogs
No Bad Dogs offers Force Free, foundation training for any dog owner regardless of previous experience. We offer 1 on 1 behaviour consultations and training, puppy classes, basic foundations and an introduction to Rally-O. We use treats, toys, praise and play to motivate your dog and increase your bond.
What does NO Bad Dogs offer?
What does NO Bad Dogs offer?
1 on 1 Consultations and Training
1 on 1 training is advised when a dog may not do well in a group setting or the owners are looking for help for a specific concern that may not be covered in a group class. These sessions typically occur in the owners home or in a neutral outdoor environment. Sessions generally last 1 hour or as long as the dog is able to concentrate and not be frustrated or overwhelmed
Puppy classes
We focus on building the bond, successful socialisation, learning dog language and starting you on basic cues and game play
Loose leash walking
This class focuses on getting the most out of your walks, helping your dog to deal with stimulus and reactivity and figuring out why your dog acts like they do.
Basic Foundation/Life Skills class
This class focuses on your dog's patience and focus, using game play and basic cues we learn how to communicate with our dogs
Intro to Rally-O
This class aims to take your relationship with your dog to the next level, focusing on your communication skills and your dog's listening and concentration skills to perform cues both on and off leash with distractions
Fear free, Stress free, Pain free Training
Fear free, Stress free, Pain free Training
If humans were as creative with reinforcement as they are with punishment, imagine what they could accomplish
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Contact for more information